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Hello you lovely beings, I would love to share with you 
My Story as a Spiritual Being and Artist.

Deborah R

I lived my young life in PNG, where I first found that I could see spirits and communicate with them, and my gift to be able to do energy healing on animals and people, this was my life until 1975 when we moved back to Australia, to begin a life so very different then what I had known. I have always had questions that needed to be answered, and there are still questions that I ask to be answered by the universe every day. How does it get any better than this?  and What would it take? 
By asking these questions it gaves me the peace and feeling of being, the being I always knew I was but never had the direction to find. This loving healing method that involves working with our body gives me peace and space that I never had over the years, now and again I would feel this freedom, and now I have this every day. When we open ourselves to hearing the messages from our body every aspect of our lives becomes more peaceful, while assisting in healing our minds, bodies, emotions, relationships, careers, Money, and other life areas. The spirit world loves to connect with us, I am here to guide you in connecting with the spirit world and on your path of knowing.
My training is in the following areas, Dip Holistic Health Practitioner, Dip of Spiritual Art Therapy and Dip Clinical Art Therapy, Dip of Vibrational Medicine, Dip Kinesiology, Dip Spiritual Coach, Dip Holistic Metaphysical Healing,Dip Crystal Healing, Dip Massage Therapy, Dip Intuitive Spiritual Healing. I also am an Access Consciousness Bars Facilitator
Hawaiian Healing Massage Energy Therapy Communicating with Animals,Connecting and communicating with Spirits"
In my young life, I was locked away and punished, by those I thought loved me. So I found solace in talking to my spirit friends painting and drawing with them, they kept me safe when bad things were about to happen. We traveled around Australia always on the move never any place for very long, spending hour upon hour in the car.
I am an energy Healer/spiritual Artist, of the universe, I have always had a vision to work with everyone that wishes to be more aware and, be the beings they can be.
As an artist who practices channeled/spiritual art, I’m often asked what it means to create in this way. For me, channeled/spiritual art is a deeply spiritual practice that involves tapping into a higher consciousness or energy source to guide the creative process. It’s about letting go of control and allowing the art to flow through me as a channel or vessel, rather than trying to control or dictate a particular vision or outcome. This can take many forms, from receiving clear images or messages to simply allowing the energy of the artwork to guide the artist in a certain direction. The end result is often a highly intuitive and emotional artwork that reflects my connection to something greater than myself and is often very healing and transformative. For me a world that often feels disconnected and chaotic, channeled art offers a way to connect with something greater than myself as I have always known that we are more than this body we are infinite beings in a world that often feels disconnected and chaotic, channeled art offers a way to connect with something greater than ourselves. It allows us to tap into universal energy and create from a place of pure inspiration and intuition.

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