In this crazy world, we can be as happy as we want to be, it all comes from being in allowance of what is around you and not letting others' lives affect you, be in the space of knowing that you are not the source of another person's happiness, you are in charge of your own happiness.
We have been programmed to believe that as females we are the ones that are in charge of everyone's happiness, sadness, anger, lack, and all of the other emotions that we as humans feel, But guess what we are not we are the boss of our own lives and they are the boss of there's, what if we as females were not programmed to be the door mats that we have been led to believe we are, what if now you can see and feel freedom from being everyone else's doormat, it can be done, I have done it and so can you. Being programmed by a father and brother without any female influence was what I lived through. more of this story to come.
Blessings from Deborah R