“The Universe is saying, ‘allow me to flow through you unrestricted, and you will see the greatest magic you have ever seen.” ~ Klaus Joehle
Our only real task, mission, purpose, whatever you want to call it, we have here on Earth is to create. In fact, our entire life is just one big piece of art that we are creating as we go along.
Source energy is in a state of constant creation.
On a large scale we are creating our life, but we also are creating in our day to day lives.
It may come in the form of writing, painting, cooking, making music, or even just interacting with other people. We are creating stories, circumstances, feelings, physical activitChanneling can be a difficult concept to understand for those who have never experienced it before. Essentially, it means that I allow my intuition and inner guidance to lead the way in my art-making process. This can take many forms, from receiving clear images or messages to simply allowing the energy of the artwork to guide me in a certain direction.
One of the most fascinating aspects of channeled art is the sense of connection and unity that it brings. When I’m creating in this way, I feel a deep connection to something greater than myself. It’s as if I’m tapping into a universal energy or consciousness that exists beyond my individual experience.
Another aspect of channeled art that I find particularly rewarding is the sense of surprise and discovery that comes with each piece. Because I’m not trying to control or dictate the outcome, the finished artwork often surprises me in unexpected ways. I may discover new techniques or color combinations that I never would have thought to try on my own. It requires a willingness to let go of control and trust in the creative process.
In a world that often feels disconnected and chaotic, channeled art offers a way to connect with something greater than ourselves. It allows us to tap into a universal energy and create from a place of pure inspiration and intuition.